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Connecting Google Earth and Maps to NDFD Web Services
Using NDFD Data Wrapped in KML
Using NDFD Data Wrapped in KML and Posted to the Worldwide Web
Google Maps allows users to import KML from a URL. Users can open a NDFD KML file by pasting
the KML file's URL into the "Search the map" text box.
See the image below.
Once the URL is entered in the text box, click on the "Search Maps" button. After
a few moments, the KML file's contents will be displayed. See the image below.
Users can experiment with a sample file containing a wind speed forecast for selected
cities from across the United States.
To retrieve the NDFD data enoded in KML, on the following page, click on "NDFD Data Encoded in
GML for Single Time" (or "for Time Period") and choose "Ndfd_KmlPoint" as the Feature.