National Digital Forecast Database (NDFD) Digital Weather Markup Language (DWML) or Time Series Markup Language (TSML)
(Summarized By Time Period)

This web page exercises NDFD SOAP service functionality. For more information on the NDFD SOAP service and its exposed functions, please see

Select the functionality that you would like to run.

    NDFD Data For Single Point NDFD Data For Multiple Points NDFD Data For Subgrid (Corner Points)*
    NDFD Data For A Line* NDFD Data For Subgrid (Central Point)* NDFD Data For A Zip Code*
    NDFD Data For NDFD Cities*

* This functionality involves two calls to the NDFD SOAP service. The first call obtains the points (latitude/longitude value) for the subgrid, line, zip code, or cities. The second call uses the points from the first call to obtain the DWML or TSML encoded NDFD data.

Sample Lat,Lon : (38.9936,-77.0224)


    Latitude? (North is positive) Longitude? (West is negative)

Sample Points: 38.99,-77.02 39.70,-104.80 47.6,-122.30

List of Points?

    Enter one or more Latitude and Longitude pairs (i.e. 38.99,-77.02) with each pair separated by a single space
    San Jaun: 18.48,-66.08 Hilo HI: 19.69,-155.08 Guam: 13.5,144.9
    Alaska, Anchorage: 61.18,-149.19 Juneau: 58.38,-134.13 npacocn point: 15.0,-140.0

Sample Points: 35.00 -82.00 35.5 -81.50

Lower Left and Upper Right Points?

    Lower Left Lat? Lower Left Lon?
    Upper Right Lat? Upper Right Lon?

Sample Line : (38.99,-77.01 39.99,-78.99)


    End Point 1 Latitude (North is positive) End Point 1 Longitude (West is negative)
    End Point 2 Latitude (North is positive) End Point 2 Longitude? (West is negative)

NWS Headquarters Zip : 20910 25414

Zip Code List (One or more space separated zip codes)?

Sample Input: 35.00 -82.00 50.0 50.0 10

Central Point and Distances?

    Center Point Lat? Center Point Lon?
    Distance Lat? Distance Lon?

Cities Levels are 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 34, and 1234

Cities Level?

Format ?

    24 Hourly 12 Hourly

XML Format ?


Day ?

    Start Date Number of Days

Unit ?

    U.S. Standard Metric